Sunday, December 27, 2009

A tragedy !


  • 陳通煌原本佈置給初生嬰兒的房間。(圖:光明日報)

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面對陳通煌的控訴,有關私人醫院鄭重否認人為疏忽的說法。此院負責人澄清,產婦陳寶(石宣)是死於羊水栓塞(Amniotic Fluid Embolism)症狀。


“這是產婦分娩期間罕見的併發症(rare complication),並且是不可預測的情況。”
















Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

To all the readers,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

May dreams come true in this coming new year!

Warm Season Greeting,

Dr Jason Ong

Reply To Alyce

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Jason,

I delivered my baby March this year via natural with forceps. My baby weighted 3.7kg at birth.

Until now my Episiotomy wound/scar is still pain every time I move my legs apart or squat down. FYI, my doc tried twice before managed to delivered my baby with forceps. I remember the 1st attempt, I was pulled down the bed. Could this be the reason my wound still hurts or this is normal?

I always wanted to know what is the standard/maximum diameter of the baby that can successfully pass through the birth canal? My baby head circumference was 34cm at birth.

Thank you and have a nice day!


Forceps delivery


Hi, Alyce,

Sorry for my late reply due to tight schedule.

Let me summarise your problems:

1) Unpleasant birth experience caused by forceps delivery.

2) Persistent episiotomy scar pain despite more than 6 months after delivery

Forceps delivery is more traumatic due to extensive injury to your birth tunnel. Sometimes, the episiotomy wound is extended to become longer in forceps delivery due to the extensive tear in the skin and muscle. Therefore, the duration of recovery is longer than expected in the extended episiotomy wound.

However, your childbirth is more then 6 months now. I expect your episiotomy wound is completely recovered by now.

There are few possibilities to explain the persistent pain:

1) Extensive scarring in the stitching site and caused the vaginal tunnel to be narrowed and distorted. In this situation, you may have pain as well during sexual intercourse with your husbnd.

2) Injury to the symphysis pubic joint due to the size of your baby (3.7kg) and forceps delivery.

Symphysis pubis is a joint between 2 pelvic bones

3) The pain maybe psychologically related to the unpleasant forceps delivery. The unpleasant birth experience left a bad memory to you and you relate your bad experience to the pain in your private part.

To determine the cause of pain, you need to visit the gynae doctor again for detailed examination.

In my own practice, I usually encourage my patient to go for Caesarean delivery if the predicted birth weight is more than 4.0kg.

If the predicted birth weight is between 3.5kg to 4.0kg, I will NOT perform forceps / vacuum delivery if the labour is prolonged. Usually I will proceed to emergency Caesarean delivery to prevent complication.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Reply to Anonymous

Anonymous said:

Hello Dr Jason,

Good day to you!
I have one question need your help.

Attach picture is the pregnancy test result that i have done this morning. There are 2 lines, but the 2nd line is not as darker as the first line.

Attach below is the info about my period cycle which my last period is 17 Nov and today is 30th day after the last period. Would like to get your advise when is the suitable time for me to confirm the pregnancy with doctor? Thanks a lot!

period 2009


Hi! Anonymous,

Based on your period duration of 27 days cycle on average, currently your period is delayed by 2 days.
The Urine Pregnancy test you showed it to me is weakly positive, it means you are in the early stage of pregnancy.
You need to consult your doctor 1 week later to confirm the pregnancy.
The best time to visit your doctor is after one week missed period because the scan machine can't detect the pregnancy if it is too early.
Make sure you keep a full bladder and don't pass urine before the scan for better picture quality.

Anyway, congratulation for being a new mother.


Dr Jason.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Breastfeeding Positions - 喂母乳方式

There are 3 common breastfeeding positions that you can learn to breastfeed your precious newborn:

1) Cradle Hold

2) Side-Lying Hold

3) Football Hold

Cradle Hold

It is the the most common breastfeeding position.

This position works well:
1) If you are learning to breastfeed
2) If you have a small baby

Description of cradle hold position:

You need to sit upright and make sure you have back support. Raise your baby to the breast level. Use pillows or a chair with arm rests to support your shoulder.
Keep your knees level with your hips. Put a stool or pillow under your feet if necessary.
Cradle your baby. Make sure your baby’s back and bottom are well supported.
Also, make sure your baby’s ears, shoulders and hips are in line.

Side-Lying Hold

This is a good hold for breastfeeding in bed. It is also helpful if you are recovering from a Caesarean birth.

This position works well:

1) If you find it too painful to sit upright
2) If you have a caesarean delivery
3) If you want to rest and breastfeed at the same time.

Description of side-lying hold:

Stretch out on your side with your baby tummy to tummy with you. Use pillows to support your head, neck and back.
Support your baby’s head, neck and back with your hand.
To switch to the other breast, gather your baby close to your chest, then rolling onto your other side to feed from the other breast.

Football Hold

This is a good hold if you are recovering from a Caesarean birth. It is also helpful for mothers of twin babies.

This position works well:
1) If your baby is small
2) If your nipples are flat or inverted.
3) If you have a caesarean delivery

Description of football hold:

Place a pillow at your side. Lay the baby on the pillow.
Place the back of the baby’s head in the palm of your hand.
Your forearm should support your baby’s shoulders and spine.
Tuck your baby’s legs between your arm and body, as you are clutching a football.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Antenatal Class Announcement!

An antenatal class will be organised by Dumex Malaysia in Sunway Carnival Convention Hall, Seberang Jaya in Jan 2010, before Chinese new year.

I will be the invited speaker of the event.

See all of you there!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Nuchal Thickness (頸皮測量)

What is nuchal skin thickness?

Nuchal skin is referred to the skin located at the back of the neck.
It is important to measure the nuchal skin thickness at the early stage of pregnancy because a thickened nuchal skin is associated with many diseases.

Down Syndrome baby with thickened skin fold at the neck

What are the diseases associated with thickened nuchal skin?

1) Down Syndrome (唐氏症)
2) Turner' Syndrome (特納綜合徵)
3) Edward's disease (愛德華綜合徵)
4) Congenital heart defects (心臟問題)
5) Cystic Hydroma (囊性水瘤)

Diagram on the left: A normal nuchal skin measurement
Diagram on the right: A swollen nuchal skin with abnormal thickness

When the measurement of nuchal skin thickness should be done?

The measurement of nuchal skin thickness should be done between 11 to 14 weeks by using high defination ultrasound scan machine.
A measurement more than 2.5mm is considered abnormal.

A routine nuchal measurement and nasal bone at 12 weeks to exclude Down Syndrome baby

If my baby's nuchal measurement is more than 2.5mm, what should I do?

A detailed scan should be done to look for any other organs abnormality.

Sometimes, you are advised by the doctors to undergo amniocentesis to check the baby's DNA.